Archean Labs projects

CarlW is a new system designed to assess hearing-aid (HA) performance in terms of gains in speech intelligibility and speech comprehension. CarlW implements the idea that Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) can be used to replicate human speech-processing performance (Fontan et al., 2017; Fontan et al., 2016; Fontan et al., 2015), and, thus, can potentially be used to fine-tune HA fitting. This principle, for which a European patent has been filed (Aumont & Wilhem-Jaureguiberry, 2009), is used to provide the audiologist/HA dispenser with fast, reliable and objective information on HA performances . . .

Pronunciation training software
Since several years Archean Technologies has been developing new solutions for foreign language learning, especially for the improvement of oral communication skills (speech comprehension and production). These skills are often neglected in language learning softwares, which mostly focus on reading and writing. However, one may ask what is the point of learning a language if you can’t talk with native speakers ?
Our research and development activities make use of the most performant speech processing techniques to design new solutions for . . .