Our sustainability commitment

Archean has a long-standing Corporate Social Responsibility approach, which was concretely formalized with a strong commitment from management in 2022 through the definition of a CSR strategy and the appointment of a CSR manager within the company business.

Since its creation in 2005, Archean Technologies has been committed to the industrial sector with strong values: Innovation, Trust and Development of strong partnerships with our stakeholders (customers, suppliers, service providers and employees).

In 2012, Archean moved into a building built with a voluntary approach, where technologies are selected to be respectful of the environment and to guarantee energy performance.

In 2022, the commitment of the management made it possible to identify the Sustainable Development Goals adapted to its sector of activity and to determine achievable actions on which Archean and its collaborators can act.

Our "UIMM" label


Archean technologies is part of a CSR approach with the support of the "UIMM" of which it is a member.
This support has been available since 2022 and we will be one of the first companies to receive the CSR commitment charter from the "UIMM".

Valid for 2 years (subject to a follow-up assessment after one year) it validates level 1 of the assessment and leads to level 2 (available from 2024) to enhance the approach with partners for audits /questionnaires and ratings like Eco Vadis.

Sustainable development

A high level of service

Archean provides its customers with a high level of service and quality, for this, the company places innovation at the center of its activity and provides its customers with sound solutions that meet their expectations.

Archean strives for each of its customers to provide precise analyses, to understand the need, to communicate proposals, clear offers composed of a costing and a technical file, to guarantee the respect of personal data of the commercial management process ( prospects, customers, suppliers) by setting up a GDPR process in compliance with the regulations in force and respecting the procedures for handling non-conformities, complaints and product recalls for all requests from customers, consumers or users.

Job retention

Technical skills and know-how within the company are key elements, our Research and Development department representing a significant proportion of our employees (30%). This strategy allows Archean to be reactive, flexible and to maintain control of its equipment and software.

Archean also has its own manufacturing workshop in Montauban as well as a storage space of more than 400m² to maintain control of the production of its products.

Purchasing control

The control of purchases and supplies, carried out at the company's head office, makes it possible to favor local, French and European suppliers as far as possible.
Ratings are held annually to assess suppliers and service providers on pre-established criteria (anomalies encountered, action plans put in place, compliance with commitments and adaptations to constraints).

Archean Technologies is a manufacturer and distributor of professional electronic equipment, so it controls the design of its products and the choice and proportion of materials used, whether new or recycled or from renewable sources. Archean products are: components, PCBs, enclosures. These materials are found basically new on the market.

Archean nevertheless endeavors to apply an eco-design approach during the product design phase.

Dialogue and social well-being

Archean is a family business that is committed to dialogue and social well-being with its employees. Since its creation in 2005, Archean has taken care of 100% social protection for all of its employees. Archean also ensures the implementation of internal/external training for the development of skills and the employability of each employee as well as the achievement of the authorizations necessary for their sector.

Archean is also involved and works in the creation of jobs and the development of skills on its territory for young populations and those in difficulty of integration (ANIE, Charter of the Club of Inclusive Companies of Tarn et Garonne, ADIAD, JobIRL).



For the environment, Archean is committed to limiting its impact in terms of pollution (GHG) on many aspects  : production of its products, business travel, energy consumption.

Archean is reflecting on the implementation of other actions : responsible purchasing charter, implementation of a process guaranteeing the respect of property rights for our customers' data, commitment to the optimization of resources consumed by our activities (creation of consumption monitoring indicators (water and electricity).

Electric vehicles

Since 2019, Archean Technologies' strategy has been to renew the vehicle fleet as much as possible with electric or hybrid motor vehicles. Currently, more than 65% of the car fleet is electric motor.

The many trips made by our employees related to the provision of sound system services also generate GHG emissions. As our company is based in Montauban, our employees use public transport as much as possible (insofar as the services do not require the transport of heavy and/or bulky equipment). 

The Archean building, a positive result


In 2012, Archean chose to settle in an ecological building. This allows him, among other things, to limit his daily impact on the performance of his building and to reduce his energy consumption :

Photovoltaic panels

Installed in the parking lot of Archean, this farm of 90 kWp solar panels faces south, thus optimizing energy production.



The green roof

Setting up a green roof is one of the objectives set by Archean.

The green roof is a very good thermal and sound insulator. This insulation by vegetation considerably attenuates temperature peaks with a reduction in temperature variation of around 40%.

At the sustainable level, the attenuation of temperature peaks increases the longevity of the roof. While a conventional roof lasts 10 to 20 years, a green roof has a lifespan of up to 50 years.

Vertical geometry

Geothermal energy consists of recovering the energy produced by the phenomena of earth formation and the natural radioactivity of the earth in order to heat the building.

In France, the ground temperature is around 14°C whatever the time and the season. Thus all that is needed is a heat pump system in order to use this heat resource as thermal energy.