Zero tolerance to corruption - Letter of commitment



To all our employees, partners and stakeholders


As part of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the company Archean reaffirms its commitment to ethical principles and the fight against corruption in all its forms.

Corruption and similar practices (influence peddling, favoritism, embezzlement, etc.) are detrimental to transparency and fairness in business. Aware of our responsibility as a company specializing in sound systems for public buildings, we are committed to applying a zero tolerance policy to any attempt at corruption, active or passive, direct or indirect.

Our commitments

In order to prevent these risks and act with integrity, we undertake to:

1. Comply with current legislation, in particular the Sapin II law and international regulations on the fight against corruption.

2. Train and raise awareness among our employees about the risks of corruption and the good ethical practices to adopt and specifically our sales and purchasing teams about risky situations (gifts, benefits received) and the good practices to adopt.

3. Implement internal procedures to identify, prevent and report any suspicious behavior. Appoint an ethics officer, responsible for raising awareness among teams, answering questions and collecting reports in complete confidentiality.

4. Refuse any illegal practice in our relations with our partners, customers, suppliers and public administrations.

5. Encourage a culture of integrity by ensuring confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers within the company, by promoting a work environment based on transparency and responsibility.

6. Establish a control and monitoring framework to regularly evaluate our actions and ensure their effectiveness.

Each employee, service provider or partner of the Archean company is invited to respect and promote these principles.

We count on everyone's commitment to ensure responsible and ethical activity, thus contributing to a professional environment based on trust, transparency and respect for the rules.



Montauban, 11th February 2025

Xavier Aumont